
After a two and a half year hiatus, here we are again.

The hardcopy collection of Lentell Soup pieces were safely stored in my brother’s garage in Sydney whilst I was in South Africa unable to travel thanks to Covid – I had run out of my travelling copies by January 2021.

Finally got back to Sydney last year and retrieved the whole collection to bring back to SA.

It’s taken a while but here goes a restart – getting them all online is going to take years yet, who knows how many.

Life goes on…

Johannesburg, June 2023.

Sunday’s Piece

Bless the Municipality for installing traffic lights at the corner of Sinoia and Bank Streets – now we can get home for lunch on time. How about putting some also at the cnr. of Pioneer and Manica? (A few more red lights around there won’t do any harm!)

John Lentell
Rhodesia Herald
23 december 1971