Tuesday’s Piece

If your folks didn’t have any children, there’s a good chance that you won’t have any.

(Clarence Day, 1874 – 1935)

John Lentell
Rhodesia Herald
27th April, 1971

(Photo: Ross, Dickon and I, and our offspring – 2006)

Monday’s Piece

A professor of English was one day caught by his wife in the act of embracing one of his students.
“Why, professor,” she exclaimed, “I’m surprised!”
“Oh, no, my dear,” came the reply, “it is I who am surprised, you are astonished.”

John Lentell
Rhodesia Herald
26th April, 1971

Monday’s Piece

“How come you’re so wise?” said the young man.
“Because,” said the old man, “I’ve got good judgment. Good judgment comes from experience, and experience – well that comes from poor judgment.”

John Lentell
Rhodesia Herald
19th April, 1971

(Photo – my father and I)

Saturday’s Piece

A small boy in the visitor’s gallery was watching the proceedings of the Senate chamber.
“Father, who is that gentleman?” he asked, pointing to the chaplain.
“That, my son, is the chaplain,” replied his father.
“Does he pray for the Senators?” asked the boy.
“No, my son; when he goes in he looks around and sees the Senators sitting there, and then he prays for the country.”

John Lentell
Rhodesia Herald
17th April, 1971

Friday’s Piece

Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the right honourable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon.

(Benjamin Disraeli – reply to a taunt by Daniel O’Connell)

John Lentell
Rhodesia Herald
16th April, 1971